Posted in Triplett & Carothers on March 24, 2021
In this era of COVID, with more people getting sick, we have had several situations where our clients, often singles as opposed to couples, need to give friends and families (trusted contacts) or investment advisors their “power” to make business or healthcare decisions. But we can’t just turn over that information without express authorization.
(The professional ethics rules that govern law firm relationships authorize us to attempt to continue a normal attorney-client relationship with you if you become unable to make sound decisions about the matters you have retained us to advise you about.)
For example, if you’re hospitalized on your own without a partner to produce the vital documents, you may need explicit permission for your designated trusted advisor to act as you have previously planned in these situations, especially in the event of incapacity.
In those gray areas where your wishes are not in your healthcare providers’ records, you can allow us to release the name of your trusted advisor by signing a simple authorization with our office.
Learn more and reach out to Roz Carothers via email here.